This is the original version of SF Launcher. For the best experience on Android 4.1+, switch to SF Launcher 2 (, a complete rewrite of the original SF Launcher. If you're running Android 4.0 or you prefer the old version, you can still download it here.
If you like SF Launcher, you can now get SF Launcher Plus ( for $3.99. It currently adds support for icon packs, hidden apps in the list, and font options in the header and app labels. There is also a link to it available on the settings panel for easy access. Not all icon themes will work, but most ADW-compatible themes should. This key also unlocks plus features for SF Launcher 2. See its listing for more information.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">这是SF启动的原始版本。在Android 4.1+的最佳体验,切换到SF启动2(,原SF启动的一个完全重写。如果你运行的是Android 4.0或你喜欢旧的版本,你仍然可以在这里下载。
如果你喜欢SF启动,你现在可以得到SF启动加(美元。目前,它增加了对图标包,在列表中隐藏的应用程序,并在页眉和应用程序标签字体选项的支持。还有的设置面板,可以方便地提供一个链接。并非所有的图标主题将工作,但大多数ADW兼容的主题应该。此键也加解锁功能SF发射2.了解更多信息,请参阅上市。</div> <div class="show-more-end">